Parelli - Take Two
I often get the sense in life that I am perpetually at a crossroads....actually perpetually at the spot where an infinite number of paths converge. The famous 'road not taken' is there among them, along with the road that leads to nowhere, the path paved with good intentions and so on. But what can really chap my a** is when I find myself at 'the road I should have stayed on'. And so it was that I found myself there, 13 years later, back on Path Parelli. (insert heavy sigh, no, better make it two heavy sighs, here). Pat Parelli's book, Natural Horse-man-ship, is the book that started me on the path to natural horsemanship and the book that actually saved my life. I remember walking out to our barn where we had just managed by sheer will power and a heavy dose of dumb luck to get our unhandled, extremely agressive (fear-based), 3 year old stallion/colt into our barn. He was big, powerful, scared out of his mind and I had all the skills that you can i...