Life with a Right-Brain Introvert

This is Dani, my RBI. Here she is clearly asking a question and this is, 'can I have a cookie?'. But she's also a bit apprehensive. Look closer at her nostrils and see how tight they are as they are extended in a full take-in-all-I-can mode. That's because I am on the other side of the partition/window and who knows what I might have up my sleeve. She never fully trusts, rarely lets it all down, and it is a trait I can relate to, as I am RBI as well and tend to hide behind my inner walls. She and I both are also prone to explosive RBE blasts, when it all just bottles up too much in our efforts to contain it and has to blow. Oh, I understand her....I do, and through learning to help her become more centered, I have become more centered myself. That is the beauty of horsemanship in general, and Parelli in particular; if you are going to go down this path and strive for an equine partnership, you are going to do the often intense work of personal developme...