For Molly


This post is for you.

Although sequestered in my teeny tiny little spot in the blogosphere, you will likely never see it.

Still, it is for you.

It is July 5th 2022.  It's been quite a long time since I've written, but because of you, I am sitting here taking a few minutes to write.  

I love to write.

I always wanted to be a writer.

But I wanted to "be" a lot of things and wanted a life with horses, and to be the best mom I could be, and to be a gardener my grandfather would be proud of, and, and, and.  And, so I often pursue those other things and push my little writer voice over to the dusty corner, the corner with the ideas of my books, at least 5 or 6 of them, now covered with cobwebs and barely recognizable.

But today, I am dusting off my little blog and looking through old ideas and finding that I have a working outline of a book that you thought I might consider writing.

How did you know to ask me that question?

How did you know this is an ache in my soul?

I will say this, Molly, you have impressed me greatly with your courses you prepare for us wanna-be-horsemen, for your gentle insight into and the grace that you bring to what you offer us, but today you floored me by asking a simple question:  have you ever thought of writing a book?

Why, yes, Molly I have.....many, many times.  

I always thought I could, but until today, I never thought I should.

So the dishes are sitting piled up, my desk is a mess with paper work, our Heart of Liberty course is in its last week and I really should be studying.....the garden hasn't been tended to today yet and what is for dinner?  

But here I sit, writing, and I believe I will have one more cup of tea and work on that outline a bit, see if some of brushing the dust away reveals anything worthwhile there.

Thank you doesn't seem quite enough, so I will say this to you, Molly Sanders....I wish for you 1000 times the joy and intense emotional gratification that your actions give to others....I wish for it all to come back to you and then some.


Sue & Sky 
July 2022

For information about on-line study courses and clinics that Molly Sanders offers see her website at:    Information about her blog and podcasts is available there as well.


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