Begin at the beginning....

"Begin at the beginning, go on 'til the end, then stop".  Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland".

I've been trying to figure out where to start this blog since September!  I keep thinking I should write a historical perspective and lay out where I have started with my horses and then move forward, but that never seems to come together, so I am just going to jump in.  With all due respect to Lewis Carroll, begin where you are!

My current goals are simple....after having a wreck last year, I find myself still rehabilitating from that incident, both physically and mentally.  The physical scars I can live with; the mental & psychological ones have been more difficult.  That tells me that something isn't quite resolved yet; that perhaps there are more lessons yet to be learned.

So, to begin at the beginning maybe isn't going to fit.  But backing up to the beginning of this latest challenge, that may make sense since it has colored every equine move I have made since it happened. 

I thought I would find a picture from 'the before time' and include it here.  It kind of breaks my heart to look at this picture of myself on my beloved mare Boo.  This shot is from April 2011, just one month prior to my wreck,  and the fact that I was working this very spooky mare through one of HER fears reminds me of how confident I was becoming.  She is literally scared of her own shadow and we had just spent time working up to being able to walk relaxed through that patch of light.  (Note:  the mare is a Water Horse, per the Five Elements.  I've only recently begun to study the elements and a horse's inclination to one elment or a combination thereof and the effects of that on their health, training aspects, etc.  Fascinating stuff.  See more of Madalyn Ward's work and a test you can take to categorize yourself and your horses here:

It was only yesterday that I rode this same mare around some light shafts in the arena.  I am basically just now getting back to the point where I was one year ago.  But, actually, I'm beyond it in many ways, because I have the benefit of the last year of experience which has illuminated so much of my weaknesses to me....and from them, I'll find my strengths.

Once Upon A Horse,


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