Parelli's Seven Keys to Success

Pat Parelli is a genius.  Linda is one too.  I am not going to allow myself to fall off that slippery cliff of Hero Worship again, but it is difficult not to sit back from time to time and just go, dang, that guy knows a thing, or two.....or seven.

Like his Seven Keys to Success.

Attitude, Knowledge, Tools, Techniques, Time, Imagination, Support.

I've been cycling through the keys....trying to touch on each and every one and assess where I need work, move on, rinse, repeat.

I noticed a funny thing about those keys.  Key number 6 is "TIME".   Tool number 3 in teaching is also TIME  (Principles, Purpose, Time).


Time, an integral but oft-overlooked ingredient in any recipe for success is almost just.too.simple.

As I see my savvy hours that I am logging on go up and up, I see a direct co-relation to my accomplishments. 

Of course, it isn't the one and only thing as I have spent at least two gazillion hours doing things WRONG and that doesn't work, but it doesn't matter how good your attitude is, how much knowledge you have, how perfect your tools are, how great your techniques are, what a whiz you are at imagining things and how terrific the support you have is, if you don't go put the time in, it is all just decorative....all would-have, should-have, could-have.

I've set a goal for three savvy hours a day.  That is a bit beyond my reach and yet doable when I set my mind to it.  At that rate, I can log nearly 100 hours a the end of summer, I should be approaching 500 savvy hours.  I just have a feeling that that is somehow a magic number for me and I'll be anxious to look back at that point, and see just how far I have come.

Goals can be tricky things though and this is something that I strive for, but if I don't attain it, I refuse to self-punish. 

I'll find the try in myself and reward the effort....focus on the positive and move forward.

It's a wonderful way to live.

Those seven keys....they apply to everything.

Yep, that Pat Parelli knows a thing or two....and I'm grateful he and Linda continue to find ways of sharing it with the rest of us.

Sue, experiencing daily success, in Ohio


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